• Hire a Professional Locksmith and 5 Reasons Why You Should
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    Hire a Professional Locksmith and 5 Reasons Why You Should

    1.   Professional Local Locksmiths Hire a Professional Locksmith, many people attempt DIY on their locks and end up making the situation worse by damaging the locks. Damaged locks require more time repairing the lock and ultimately more money spent. A professional Locksmith will have encountered a vast array of emergency situations and will know how

  • Tips For Home Security
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    Tips For Home Security

    1. Lock everything When it comes to home security tips, this may sound obvious – and with reason – but locking all of your most common entry points has to be step one on your checklist. Make sure that your front door, side gate, and garage door are all locked, and are able to withstand

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    MAKING A NEW CAR KEY: When Key Programming Is Required? After making a new car key, the immobilizer & remote functions need to be programmed before they will enable engine start and remote central locking operation. REMOTE OR IMMOBILISER FAULT: When the synchronization between a fob or transponder key and the vehicle is lost, the

  • Lost Your Keys?
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    Lost Your Keys?

    Opportunist thieves could pick up your keys in a bar, or dropped on the floor at the supermarket, they then follow you to see where you live. Even if your keys were lost but were returned to you, someone may have copied them so it would still be a good idea to change the locks.

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